Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin kamulaştırma kanununa ilişkin iptal kararının değerlendirilmesi
Expropriation, Constitutional Court, Principle of Proportionality, Right to PropertyAbstract
Expropriation is a system used by the state and public legal entities to transfer immovable property owned by individuals to their ownership in cases of public interest. Although expropriation is a procedure that interferes with the right to property, it is based on the Constitution itself and must be implemented according to the measures specified in the Constitution. The Expropriation Law, which was enacted for this purpose in our legislation, shows the procedures to be carried out by public administrations in expropriation transactions and specifies the obligations of the state and public legal entities.
One of the obligations imposed on the administration under the Expropriation Law is the payment of the price of the immovable property. Since the correct determination of the value of the immovable property is important in expropriation transactions, the variables to be taken into account when calculating the value of the immovable property are also important. The most important of these variables are the facilities built and the trees planted on the expropriated property by the real estate owner. These two elements affecting the price have always been a subject of debate. A new one has been added to these discussions with the decision made by the Constitutional Court (dated 16/7/2020 and Case Number 2018/104, 2020/39 Decision Number).
In this study, it will be investigated whether the value of the facilities and trees planted on the expropriated immovables after the expropriation decision will be taken into consideration. The current situation regarding the period of time regarding the cost of the facilities and trees planted will be discussed in the study. Finally, an evaluation will be made regarding this issue.
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