Definitions of Financial Intelligence Units Models in Preventing Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism and Comparison of These Models



Laundering of Proceeds of Crime, Terrorist Financing, Finansial Intelligence Unit, Combating, Crime


The basis of combating laundering of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism is based on the collection, analysis and evaluation of suspects, business and activities, and the distribution of the intelligence that emerges as a result of this evaluation at the national and international level. Based on this basis, financial intelligence units have been established in order to ensure the effective fulfillment of these functions. However, reasons such as the lack of an internationally accepted financial intelligence model and the fact that countries have different institutional structures, financial sizes and constitutional systems have led to the emergence of different financial intelligence models. Each country has preferred different financial intelligence models according to their structures and needs while establishing and developing their financial intelligence units. When financial intelligence models are examined in the international arena, it is seen that there are basically four financial intelligence unit models.  These; administrative type financial intelligence model, law enforcement (law enforcement type/police type) financial intelligence model, forensic or judicial financial intelligence model and hybrid (mixed) type financial intelligence model. In this study, these financial intelligence models are explained and the definitions of these models, the examples of the countries in which they are applied, their advantages and disadvantages are compared.


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How to Cite

KORKMAZ, S. S., & DEMİRTAŞ, İsmet. (2023). Definitions of Financial Intelligence Units Models in Preventing Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism and Comparison of These Models. Social Sciences Academic Development Journal (SOBAG), 1(1), 43–52. Retrieved from


