Studies on Prosocial Behaviors in the World and in Turkey: A Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses and Articles



Prosocial Behaviors, Characteristics of Prosocial Behaviors, Content Analysis


Prosocial behaviors, were included in the management literature in America in the 1970s, but have also begun to be a subject of research in our country in recent years and are defined in the literature as "behavior of helping someone else without the expectation of being rewarded in any way", became a research subject in many fields such as management, sociology, psychology, child development, special education, and social sciences. Examining and identifying academic changes makes an important contribution to determining the direction of future studies.

It is considered especially important for determining the academic progress of a subject such as prosocial behavior, which is an area of study in almost every discipline. In this respect, this study aims to determine the development of studies on prosocial behavior in the literature in Turkey. In addition to YÖKTEZ and TR İndex magazines; In the study, VOSviewer 1.6.20. program, a quantitative analysis was carried out on the study areas of prosocial behavior in countries other than Turkey and it was aimed to determine the course of studies on prosocial behavior.

The study covers the years 2001 – 2022 to ensure that publications completed worldwide are compatible with Turkey. According to the findings, the first study on prosocial behaviors was prepared in 2001, and a total of 112 studies were prepared between 2001 and 2022, including 64 master's theses, 17 doctoral theses, 1 medical specialty thesis, and 30 articles. The majority of these studies were prepared in Turkish and within public universities. Most of the master's theses were prepared at Gazi and Mehmet Akif Ersoy universities. In the evaluation made in terms of field, the theses are mostly in the Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of Educational Sciences; It has been determined that it was prepared in the Department of Business Administration, Department of Basic Education, Department of Physical Education and Sports and Department of Child Development and Education.


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How to Cite

SARNIÇ, A. (2023). Studies on Prosocial Behaviors in the World and in Turkey: A Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses and Articles. Social Sciences Academic Development Journal (SOBAG), 1(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


