Examination of Mastectomy and Breast Conserving Surgery Implementations in Terms of Depression, Social Support and Demographic Characteristics

Analyze of the Relationship Between Mastectomy and Breast-Conserving Surgery and Depression, Social Support and Demographic Characteristics





Breast Conserving Surgery, Demographic Characteristics, Depression, Mastectomy, Social Support


Breast Cancer is an important health problem that especially seen in women and has been increasing in all societies in last years. Although there are positive developments in the treatment process, it is still one of the most deadful diseases. This disease is that especially seen in women can disrupt the mood of the person with the loss of a limb and cause a risk of depression. Although recovery is possible with early diagnosis and treatment, the intensive treatment process affects the emotional state of the person and her relatives. In this study, it was aimed analyze the relationship between mastectomy and breast conserving surgery with depression, social support and demographic characteristics. In the study, in which the relationship between limb loss and depression in women was analyzed, the demographic characteristics of women and social support were discussed and the relationship between these concepts was tried to be explained based on the literature review. It has been suggested that limb loss, lack of social support and demographic characteristics affect depression in breast cancer in women. At the end of the project, the findings obtained from the studies in the literature were discussed, and various suggestions were presented to the researchers and readers. The possibility of an individual to be depressed in so-called fatal diseases has been analyzed in various research articles and significant results have been found. In such diseases, it is thought that the support given to the patient by his relatives and his demographic characteristics are important and that the patient's mental well-being will bring positive results to the treatment. It is aimed that this study will be a source for studies on the relationship between mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery with depression, social support and demographic characteristics, which are lacking in the literatüre.

Keywords: breast conserving surgery, demographic characteristics, depression, mastectomy, social support.

Author Biography

Sait KAHRAMAN, İstanbul Yeşilyuva İlkokulu

Psikolog Ayşe SEÇKİN  İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesinden birincilik derecesiyle mezun olmuştur. Uzmanlığını İstanbul Topkapı Üniversitesinde Genel Psikoloji Alanında tamamlamıştır. İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesinde Aile Danışmanlığı eğitimini tamamlamıştır. Meslek hayatında 10 yılı aşkın deneyimi ile çocuk-ergen ve yetişkin alanlarında online ve yüz yüze danışmanlık hizmeti vermeye devam etmektedir.


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How to Cite

SEÇKİN, A., & KAHRAMAN, S. (2024). Examination of Mastectomy and Breast Conserving Surgery Implementations in Terms of Depression, Social Support and Demographic Characteristics: Analyze of the Relationship Between Mastectomy and Breast-Conserving Surgery and Depression, Social Support and Demographic Characteristics. Social Sciences Academic Development Journal (SOBAG), 2(1), 10–29. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12600078


