Reviewer Guideline
Ethical Principles for Referees:
The article should be related to your area of expertise. Only accept if you can provide a high-quality review.
If you have a potential conflict of interest, you are kindly requested to inform the editor when responding.
Make sure you can devote enough time to the review process as it can be a lot of work.
Make sure you can meet the deadline.
Invitations should be answered as soon as possible. Late invite responses slow down the review process.
If you decline the invitation, please suggest alternative referees.
When You Accept the Review:
The material you receive is confidential, so do not share it with other people without the permission of the editor. Since the peer review is confidential, any information about your review cannot be shared with anyone without informing the editor and author(s).
Before Evaluation: Please read the article to get a general idea. Have a copy of the review criteria you need to use
Reporting: Your feedback is very important as it helps the editor decide whether to publish the article. Explain and support your decision with constructive feedback and comments, highlighting the shortcomings. Do not include your name with any personal descriptions and/or personal details.
Write a short summary for the editor showing that you have read the material. Include your general comments on the layout and format, title, summary, introduction, graphical summaries and/or highlights, method, statistical errors, results, conclusion/discussion, language and references about the research.
If you have plagiarism, fraud, or other ethical concerns, share your doubts with the editor in detail.