Writing Rules

NOTE: In studies where a special font not included in the Microsoft Word program is used, the font file should be added to the system along with the article and the editor should be informed.


Paper Size: A4 Vertical (Horizontal pages should not be included in the article)

Margins: Top, Bottom, Left, Right: 2.0 cm

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 11 in the title, 11 in the text, 9 in the abstracts and 8 in the footnotes.

Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt first – 6 pt after

Paragraph Indent: None

Line Spacing: “Single” in text and footnotes


TITLE OF THE ARTICLE IN TURKISH and ENGLISH (Small Letters, Centered, Times New Roman 12 point)


The title numbering to be used in the article should be as follows:

SUMMARY / ABSTRACT (Number not provided)

1. INTRODUCTION (Capital letters, left aligned and bold, Times New Roman, 11 points)

2. MAIN TITLES (All capital letters, left aligned and bold, Times New Roman, 11 points)

2.1. Subheadings (All bold, left aligned; the first letter of each word capitalized, Times New Roman, 11 points)

2.1.1. Subheadings (All bold, left aligned; the first letter of each word capitalized, Times New Roman, 11 points)

3. CONCLUSION (All capital letters, left aligned and bold, Times New Roman, 11 points)

REFERENCES (Times New Roman, 11 pt) (Number not given)

In-text Figures, Tables, Maps and Photos:

Figures, tables, maps, and photographs should not go beyond the writing area, and if necessary, each should be placed on a separate page. Figures and tables should be numbered and named in Turkish or English according to their content. Numbers and headings: Only the first letters of the words should be written in capital letters, under the figures, and above the tables. Times New Roman 8 points should be used in the contents of tables and figures. Sources should be cited below

Table 1.   Title, (Times New Roman 10 points) Content: 8 points

Figure 1. Title, (Times New Roman 10 point)

NOTE: The bibliography, in which the references used in the study are listed, is prepared in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. Only the APA7 system can be used in our journal.